Letter #1

Dear Bru-ther,

Remember we had a deal? You are not allowed leak my secrets to Mamma Papa and you can expect the same from my side. You know I don’t mingle that well with mamma as easily as I do with papa. He is my hero but you are my super–super hero. Papa is not always available to listen to my talks but you are always there. Always. I know you will never betray me. You pinky promised me that. I know your little finger is even longer than my longest one. This is what proves that you are bigger and older. You also have a bigger tummy than me and you need to agree to this. Though I have more brains than you, new-gen.

I have never discussed about your girlfriends and dates with Papa. I don’t know on basis of what traits, these ‘extra chicky picky girls’ like you. It will always be a mystery to me. I hate that cheerleader’s crowd. You remember that guy in my 4th grade who gave me a chocolate on ‘Chocolate’s Day’? The same chocolate you had all by yourself without me fighting for a bite, because I was so embarrassed to receive it from a boy. But then, you explained to me that this is the starting point of my adolescence. Entering your age, your generation made me the happiest. Haha. After all you are my biggest competitor, the one I support in every match. The best part is not winning against you. It is when you console me with a hug and celebrate my defeat with ‘Mountain Dew’ and ‘Kurkure’. Cheers!

Now at the age of nineteen, my puberty ended maybe 3 years back when that innocent child inside me was burnt. I wish you had stopped me the first time I went out with that lousy guy. You had to slap me when I ran away with him for a weekend trip. You should have explained to me the difference between good and bad boys, good and bad habits, good and bad places, good and bad words, good and bad. You just told me the good parts about growing up, not the bad sides. You should have asked me to collect all my courage for this phase of life. But, you didn’t. Why weren’t you there to hold my little finger and help me chase away all the shit that I went through? Why?

Why aren’t you here? I hope you are no more a fictional character and come into life someday. I hope I hug you and cry on your shoulders. I wish you are here. I wish you existed.

Miss you.

With love,

Letter #2

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